Electronic Engineer Discuss

Title: MSO5102D Block.... [Print this page]

Author: zoltan    Time: 2024-5-4 19:32
Title: MSO5102D Block....
Edited by zoltan at 2024-5-4 20:15

Hello to HANTEK team and all...!

After a bad firmware upgrade , my MSO5102D is stuck at the beguinning start cycle : at swith ON appears the blue screen with strips of different colors ( as usual ) but suddenly turns black with some little dots at top and, after some seconds, start again with the blue screen ( in an eternal loop...).
I have attached a serial-usb converter inside the circuit internal ( after some intense search info ) and I have the initial boot log (attached to this message) (I guess is well attached...)

The serial number is : T 1G/012 009551
The soft version is : 2.07.1 ( 130321.0 )
The hard version is : 10070x555583e9

Of course I don't have any backup of the original Filesystem...!!
I gues some upgrade of a correct image or some important files are needed to turn the MSO to life....

Any help is well received ....!
...and thanks in advance too...!!


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